Saturday, September 6, 2008

Missing the ocean...

I wrote this about a year ago. I used to live by the ocean and would take long walks and drives, and then come home and write. :) This morning I came across it and was inspired by it, so I thought I'd share it for fun.

The North Coast
Passing birds fly, dance through the air. The singer on the radio crescendos. The air is crisp, delicate. I feel alive as I drive along the Mendocino coast, a rare sunny day, though very cold. The headlands are brown in patches, with large puddles of rain and mud splattered across the horizon. Distant but still encouraging, the flash of light that greets me every day when i come out here is my old friend; the light house. The ocean today is extra blue, with tiny specks of white out, out, out as far as you can see. It looks choppy, and I am glad for the warmth of my car. I pull into a dirt driveway on the headlands and park the car, angling it so the sun shines in. Crack the windows to let the wind and the roar of the waves in, but not too much. I sit there, letting the sounds of the music wave over me; it feels just about right.
A few people spot the horizon here and there, picking their way through the fields of grass, cameras in hand, staying just long enough to get the shot that says 'I was here'. Beautiful, but almost untouchable this coast. I think it holds back, never really letting you enjoy it because of its cold freezing winds. Maybe the ocean has a mean streak. Teasing- it pulls you out to look, look, - look as much as you can stand- the ocean, the air, the cold sky. They taunt-you think its warm enough to go out, the sun shines gayly, the wind blusters, but once you are out, you savor it, you drink of the intense beauty, but always run, arms wrapped tightly in front of you, happy, back to the tropical temperature of the interior of your car.


Anonymous said...

Hi Christina.

Missing the ocean! I love it. Thankyou for writing your thoughts down and sharing them with us.. I can imagine myself there at this very minute as Iam reading. Love your fig idea blog too although some of the fruits i've never heard of. Never knew you could freeze bananas and the ice cream sounds amazing, must try that..
Thanks. love Jacqui x